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Objects of Attachment


One expat has moved six countries, another across three continents, another moved eighteen houses, what objects did they always choose to take with them? Or after a while objects did not matter?

What objects do people take with themselves, as they move through cities, countries, and continents? Are they objects of desire? Valuable artefacts? Books? Ancestral memories? Or are they just ‘comfort objects’?

A comfort object/ transitional object/ security blanket is an item used to provide psychological comfort, especially in unusual or unique situations. Studies have shown adults take comfort objects with them while moving to a different place of living, as well as on business trips to remind them of home. A comfort object can be anything; it is a dear friend, one that has been with you through all your adventures. Very often these objects have been much used, sometimes broken and stuck together, sometimes useless, but one just can’t let them go, because they do become your replacement for close others. These are no longer just material, they are objects of attachment. Many stories are locked away in these objects; here are some of those stories…

The exhibition is at Gallery, De Meerse, part of ‘Het Cultuurgebouw’ Raadhuisplein, Hoofddorp, from 31st May to 15th July.

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